So, have you all heard about the Creaky Boards / Coldplay fiasco? Creaky Boards is a not-really-well-known band from New York that is just coming out with its first big album. They were set to come out with a great song called "The Songs I Didn't Write"... but right before they did, iTunes started using a Coldplay song called "Viva La Vida" in its commercials. The Coldplay song bears more than a striking resemblance to the Creaky Boards song. So, of course the Creaky Boards were super pissed off and accused Coldplay of stealing their song, which they had been playing at festivals for several months. Turns out the guys in Coldplay really had never heard the Creaky Boards song- both groups seem to have been influenced by a song on the Legend of Zelda video game. *grin*
In any case, while reading about all this drama, I really got addicted to the Creaky Boards song. It's really cool, just about listening to music and thinking about your life and such.
I couldn't find any lyrics...
Here's a comparison of the two songs (note that Coldplay did NOT steal the song. It's just a really odd coincidence).
it's ironic considering the name "the sons i didn't write"...but they are both great songs, nonetheless
Wooooooowwwwwww!!!! It is clear to me that ColdPlay ripped them off. Wow...
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